Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thing #23

1. What was a favorite discovery or exercise on the journey?
I LOVED Rollyo.....what a time saver when hurriedly getting kids to do research in a 50 minute period. Our campus tech representative (who I've been intimidated by) apparently isn't aware of Rollyo and I'm looking forward to showing it to her. She and I can really help the teachers on our campus with their research projects. Another thing that I've enjoyed is just the simple, basic task of setting up this blog. That in itself has been eye-opening and it's been cool learning how to add things to your blog.

2. How has "23 things" assisted you in you lifelong learning goals?
This class has been fantastic at exposing me to all kinds of new ideas that I simply was not aware of before. It's been the perfect, organized "tool" to guide me into learning about new technologies. I say perfect because it was the type of thing that I was interested in and knew I needed to work on, but probably wouldn't have gone to the trouble on my own to find such a wide variety of technologies all in one place. This course has been a perfect summer learning experience - and should be required for anyone working in education today!

3. Were there any take aways or unexpected outcomes that surprised you?
Believe it or not - this class has helped my marriage!!!! Why? My husband and I can get into some pretty heated 'discussions' whenever he is trying to help me learn something new on the computer........he has always been the 'expert' and I've been at his mercy when I get into a situation where I need his help on the computer. Now, he has a new appreciation for me as I've gone through this journey with the 23 things and he's definitely learned a thing or two about 2.0 tools ( a term he'd never heard in his industry) and thinks being a librarian is really cutting edge and says he's married to a "techie"! That's a bit of an exaggeration but I am still feeling so much more confident with my computer skills and am excited to share the new things I'm learning with him. He sat beside me as I worked through things he was interested in and we both found we could learn and discover new skills on the computer without things getting "heated".

4. What could be done to improve the course?
I cannot think of one single thing - very organized and easy to follow!

5. Would you do another similar course?
YES! When and where do I sign up?

6. How could you describe your experience in one word or sentence?
23 Things should be required for all employees involved in education today!

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